Dr Tlou Boshomane
Orthopaedic Surgeon
MBBCh (WITS) FC Orth (SA) MMed Orthopaedic Surgery (WITS)
MP No.: 0707554 PR No.: 0965758
M: +27 (0) 82 714 2181
T: +27 (0) 12 798 7053
E: boshomanetlou@yahoo.com
Consultation Days:
Tuesdays and Thursdays: 10:00 – 17:00
BMR Health Clinic, 68 Block DD, Soshanguve, 0152
Dr Tlou Boshomane obtained her undergraduate degree from University of the
Witwatersrand in 2009. She then moved back to Limpopo and completed her
internship at Bela Bela Hospital, following which she did her community service at
Tambo Memorial Hospital.
She started her specialist training in 2015 and qualified as an Orthopaedic Surgeon in 2019. She also obtained Master of Medicine in Orthopaedic Surgery at University of the Witwatersrand. She practices as a general Orthopaedic Surgeon with special interest in sports, upper limb, limb reconstruction and arthroplasty.